Did you know we have a physical and online library? If you are looking for information on subjects such as zoology, botany, forest gardens, dry tropical forests or sustainable land use management practices, look no further!
Access to our libraries is completely free of charge as their purpose is to serve university and school students, researchers and scientists or people who are keen on learning more about gardening, agriculture, ecology and even cooking.
You can find books such as “The Art of Fermentation” by Sandor Felix Katz, and “Birds of Panama” by George R. Angehr or “Edible Schoolyard: A Universal Idea” by Alice Waters at our library in Casa Pasa, the building which also hosts our offices in the Azuero.

Calle hacia Playa El Arenal
Pedasí, Los Santos
Mon – Fri 8 am – 5 p.m.
Closed during Panamanian holidays
e-mail: info@proecoazuero.org
Phone (in Panama): (507) 995-2995
Computers for public use
Internet access
Photocopies of books when neccesary.
Kitchen Click here to access our online resource center and library.